
Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Linked List Implementation in Java

Why Linked Lists?

The linked list is the basis for a number of problems regarding the handling of dynamic data.

Kinds of Linked List

There are three basic kinds of linked list: singly linked lists, doubly linked lists, and circular linked lists. Let's discuss singly linked lists in this post.

Singly Linked Lists

Each data element in the list has a link (a pointer or reference) to the element that follows it in the
list. The first element in a singly linked list is referred to as the head of the list. The last element in such a list is called the tail of the list and has an empty or null link.
Singly linked list
Because the links in a singly linked list consist only of next pointers (or references), the list can be traversed only in the forward direction. Therefore a complete traversal of the list must begin with the first element. In other words, you need a pointer or reference to the first element of a list to locate all the elements in the list.

Basic Linked List Operations

The LinkedList element is represented in LinkedListNode private class and LinkedList functionalities are represented in LinkedList class. This class is generic.
 public class LinkedList<E> {  
      private class LinkedListNode {  
           private E data;  
           private LinkedListNode next;  
           private LinkedListNode() {  
       = null;  
       = null;  
           private LinkedListNode(E data) {  
       = data;  
       = null;  
           public E getData() {  
                return data;  
           public void setData(E data) {  
       = data;  
           public LinkedListNode getNext() {  
                return next;  
           public void setNext(LinkedListNode next) {  
       = next;  
      private LinkedListNode firstNode;  
      private LinkedListNode lastNode;  
      private int size;  
      // Empty list constructor  
      public LinkedList() {  
           this.firstNode = new LinkedListNode();  
           this.lastNode = this.firstNode;  
           size = 0;  
      // Construct a list with a single node  
      public LinkedList(E data) {  
      // Construct a list with an array of nodes  
      public LinkedList(E[] inputList) {  
           for (E input : inputList) {  
We have introduced three constructors for our class. The first one creates an empty list. The second one creates a list containing only one element and the last constructor is used when a list is to be initialized with an array of elements.


Following is Java code to add an input node to the beginning of a LinkedList (addStart), to specific index (addAt), and to the end of (addLast).
      // Add a node to the beginning of a list  
      public void addStart(E input) {  
           LinkedListNode node = new LinkedListNode(input);  
           // if the list is empty  
           if (this.firstNode.getData() == null) {  
                this.firstNode = node;  
                this.lastNode = node;  
           } else {  
                LinkedListNode previousFirstNode = this.firstNode;  
                this.firstNode = node;  
      // Add a node to specific location  
      public void addAt(E input, int index) {  
           LinkedListNode node = new LinkedListNode(input);  
           if (index < this.size) {  
                LinkedListNode right = this.firstNode;  
                LinkedListNode left = new LinkedListNode();  
                for (int position = 0; position < index; position++) {  
                     left = right;  
                     right = right.getNext();  
      // Add a node to the end of a list  
      public void addLast(E input) {  
           LinkedListNode node = new LinkedListNode(input);  
           // if the list is empty  
           if (this.firstNode.getData() == null) {  
                this.firstNode = node;  
                this.lastNode = node;  
           } else {  
                this.lastNode = node;  


To remove an object from a LinkedList:
      // Delete a node from the linked list  
      public boolean remove(E inputData) {  
           boolean wasDeleted = false;  
           LinkedListNode currentNode = this.firstNode;  
           if (this.size == 0) {  
                return wasDeleted;  
           // If we are removing the first node  
           if (inputData.equals(currentNode.getData())) {  
                // If there is only one node in the list  
                if (currentNode.getNext() == null) {  
                     this.firstNode = new LinkedListNode();  
                     this.lastNode = this.firstNode;  
                     return true;  
                currentNode = currentNode.getNext();  
                this.firstNode = currentNode;  
                return true;  
           // If we are not removing the first node  
           while (true) {  
                // If end of list, stop  
                if (currentNode == null) {  
                     wasDeleted = false;  
                // Check if the data of the next is what we're looking for  
                LinkedListNode nextNode = currentNode.getNext();  
                if (nextNode != null) {  
                     if (inputData.equals(nextNode.getData())) {  
                          // Found the right one, loop around the node  
                          LinkedListNode nextNextNode = nextNode.getNext();  
                          nextNode = null;  
                          wasDeleted = true;  
                currentNode = currentNode.getNext();  
           if (wasDeleted) {  
           return wasDeleted;  


To find index of a specific node in a LinkedList. Note that this returns index of the first occurance of anode:
      // Find a node in the linked list  
      public int indexOf(E inputData) {  
           int position = -1;  
           LinkedListNode currentNode = this.firstNode;  
           for (int i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {  
                if (currentNode.getData().equals(inputData)) {  
                     position = i;  
                currentNode = currentNode.getNext();  
           return position;  
Also, we can get an element at a specific position
      // Get the element at a specific position  
      public E elementAt(int inputPosition) {  
           if (inputPosition >= this.size || inputPosition < 0) {  
                return null;  
           LinkedListNode currentNode = this.firstNode;  
           for (int position = 0; position < inputPosition; position++) {  
                currentNode = currentNode.getNext();  
           return currentNode.getData();  
We can find elements between the mth to nth position in a LinkedList:
      // find the mth-to-nth element of the list  
      public Object[] find(int startPosition, int endPosition) {  
           if (startPosition <= this.size && endPosition <= this.size  
                     && startPosition < endPosition) {  
                Object[] result = new Object[endPosition - startPosition + 1];  
                LinkedListNode currentNode = this.firstNode;  
                int counter = 0;  
                for (int i = 0; i <= endPosition; i++) {  
                     if (i >= startPosition) {  
                          result[counter] = currentNode.getData();  
                     currentNode = currentNode.getNext();  
                return result;  
           return null;  
To Find the last mth element of a LinkedList:
      // find the mth-to-last element of the list  
      public Object[] findLast(int m) {  
           if (m <= this.size) {  
                Object[] result = new Object[m];  
                int elementAt = this.size - m;  
                LinkedListNode currentNode = this.firstNode;  
                int counter = 0;  
                for (int i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {  
                     if (i >= elementAt) {  
                          result[counter] = currentNode.getData();  
                     currentNode = currentNode.getNext();  
                return result;  
           return null;  


To get the LinkedList size:
      // Get the size of the list  
      public int getSize() {  
           return this.size;  


Complexity Analysis

Complexity of functionalities in Linked List
Functionality Complexity
Insert/delete at beginning O(1)
Insert/delete at end last element is unknown: O(n)
last element is known: O(1)
Insert/delete in middle search time+O(1)


  • It is a dynamic data structure. The memory is created at run time while running a program.
  • Insertion and deletion nodes operations are very easy in linked list. We can insert node and delete node easily.
  • Linear data structures such as stacks and queues can be easily implemented using linked list.
  • The access time is faster in linked list and it can be expanded in constant time without memory overhead.


  • Wastage of memory takes place in linked list as pointers requires extra memory for storage.
  • In Linked list no random access is given to user, we have to access each node sequentially.
  • In linked list, it takes a lot of time to access an element as individual nodes are not stored in contiguous memory allocations.
  • Reverse traversing is very difficult in linked list. In case if we are using singly linked list then it is very difficult to traverse linked list from end. If using doubly linked list then though it becomes easier to traverse from end but still it increases again storage space for back pointer.

Source Code

 public class LinkedList<E> {  
      private class LinkedListNode {  
           private E data;  
           private LinkedListNode next;  
           private LinkedListNode() {  
       = null;  
       = null;  
           private LinkedListNode(E data) {  
       = data;  
       = null;  
           public E getData() {  
                return data;  
           public void setData(E data) {  
       = data;  
           public LinkedListNode getNext() {  
                return next;  
           public void setNext(LinkedListNode next) {  
       = next;  
      private LinkedListNode firstNode;  
      private LinkedListNode lastNode;  
      private int size;  
      // Empty list constructor  
      public LinkedList() {  
           this.firstNode = new LinkedListNode();  
           this.lastNode = this.firstNode;  
           size = 0;  
      // Construct a list with a single node  
      public LinkedList(E data) {  
      // Construct a list with an array of nodes  
      public LinkedList(E[] inputList) {  
           for (E input : inputList) {  
      // Add a node to the beginning of a list  
      public void addStart(E input) {  
           LinkedListNode node = new LinkedListNode(input);  
           // if the list is empty  
           if (this.firstNode.getData() == null) {  
                this.firstNode = node;  
                this.lastNode = node;  
           } else {  
                LinkedListNode previousFirstNode = this.firstNode;  
                this.firstNode = node;  
      // Add a node to specific location  
      public void addAt(E input, int index) {  
           LinkedListNode node = new LinkedListNode(input);  
           if (index < this.size) {  
                LinkedListNode right = this.firstNode;  
                LinkedListNode left = new LinkedListNode();  
                for (int position = 0; position < index; position++) {  
                     left = right;  
                     right = right.getNext();  
      // Add a node to the end of a list  
      public void addLast(E input) {  
           LinkedListNode node = new LinkedListNode(input);  
           // if the list is empty  
           if (this.firstNode.getData() == null) {  
                this.firstNode = node;  
                this.lastNode = node;  
           } else {  
                this.lastNode = node;  
      // Get the size of the list  
      public int getSize() {  
           return this.size;  
      // Find a node in the linked list  
      public int indexOf(E inputData) {  
           int position = -1;  
           LinkedListNode currentNode = this.firstNode;  
           for (int i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {  
                if (currentNode.getData().equals(inputData)) {  
                     position = i;  
                currentNode = currentNode.getNext();  
           return position;  
      // Delete a node from the linked list  
      public boolean remove(E inputData) {  
           boolean wasDeleted = false;  
           LinkedListNode currentNode = this.firstNode;  
           if (this.size == 0) {  
                return wasDeleted;  
           // If we are removing the first node  
           if (inputData.equals(currentNode.getData())) {  
                // If there is only one node in the list  
                if (currentNode.getNext() == null) {  
                     this.firstNode = new LinkedListNode();  
                     this.lastNode = this.firstNode;  
                     return true;  
                currentNode = currentNode.getNext();  
                this.firstNode = currentNode;  
                return true;  
           // If we are not removing the first node  
           while (true) {  
                // If end of list, stop  
                if (currentNode == null) {  
                     wasDeleted = false;  
                // Check if the data of the next is what we're looking for  
                LinkedListNode nextNode = currentNode.getNext();  
                if (nextNode != null) {  
                     if (inputData.equals(nextNode.getData())) {  
                          // Found the right one, loop around the node  
                          LinkedListNode nextNextNode = nextNode.getNext();  
                          nextNode = null;  
                          wasDeleted = true;  
                currentNode = currentNode.getNext();  
           if (wasDeleted) {  
           return wasDeleted;  
      // Get the element at a specific position  
      public E elementAt(int inputPosition) {  
           if (inputPosition >= this.size || inputPosition < 0) {  
                return null;  
           LinkedListNode currentNode = this.firstNode;  
           for (int position = 0; position < inputPosition; position++) {  
                currentNode = currentNode.getNext();  
           return currentNode.getData();  
      // find the mth-to-nth element of the list  
      public Object[] find(int startPosition, int endPosition) {  
           if (startPosition <= this.size && endPosition <= this.size  
                     && startPosition < endPosition) {  
                Object[] result = new Object[endPosition - startPosition + 1];  
                LinkedListNode currentNode = this.firstNode;  
                int counter = 0;  
                for (int i = 0; i <= endPosition; i++) {  
                     if (i >= startPosition) {  
                          result[counter] = currentNode.getData();  
                     currentNode = currentNode.getNext();  
                return result;  
           return null;  
      // find the mth-to-last element of the list  
      public Object[] findLast(int m) {  
           if (m <= this.size) {  
                Object[] result = new Object[m];  
                int elementAt = this.size - m;  
                LinkedListNode currentNode = this.firstNode;  
                int counter = 0;  
                for (int i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {  
                     if (i >= elementAt) {  
                          result[counter] = currentNode.getData();  
                     currentNode = currentNode.getNext();  
                return result;  
           return null;  
      // Return a string representation of the list  
      public String toString() {  
           LinkedListNode currentNode = this.firstNode;  
           StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();  
           for (int i = 0; currentNode != null; i++) {  
                if (i > 0) {  
                E data = currentNode.getData();  
                buffer.append(data == null ? "" : data);  
                currentNode = currentNode.getNext();  
           return buffer.toString();  
      public Object[] iterator() {  
           Object[] list = new Object[this.size];  
           LinkedListNode currentNode = this.firstNode;  
           for (int i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {  
                list[i] = currentNode.getData();  
                currentNode = currentNode.getNext();  
           return list;  

JUnit Test

 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;  
 import org.junit.Test;  
 public class LinkedListTest<E> {  
      public void testLinkedList() {  
           LinkedList<Integer> ll = new LinkedList<Integer>();  
           assertTrue(0 == ll.getSize());  
      public void testLinkedListObject() {  
           LinkedList<Integer> ll = new LinkedList<Integer>(150);  
           assertTrue(1 == ll.getSize());  
      public void testLinkedListObjectArray() {  
           Integer[] numbers = { 10, 15, 20, 350 };  
           LinkedList<Integer> ll = new LinkedList<Integer>(numbers);  
           assertTrue(4 == ll.getSize());  
      public void testAddStart() {  
           LinkedList<Integer> ll = new LinkedList<Integer>();  
           assertTrue(0 == ll.indexOf(120));  
      public void testAddAt() {  
           Integer[] numbers = { 10, 15, 20, 350 };  
           LinkedList<Integer> ll = new LinkedList<Integer>(numbers);  
           ll.addAt(120, 1);  
           assertTrue(1 == ll.indexOf(120));  
      public void testAddLast() {  
           Integer[] numbers = { 10, 15, 20, 350 };  
           LinkedList<Integer> ll = new LinkedList<Integer>(numbers);  
           assertTrue(4 == ll.indexOf(120));  
      public void testGetSize() {  
           Integer[] numbers = { 10, 15, 20, 350 };  
           LinkedList<Integer> ll = new LinkedList<Integer>(numbers);  
           assertTrue(4 == (Integer) ll.getSize());  
      public void testIndexOf() {  
           Integer[] numbers = { 10, 15, 20, 350 };  
           LinkedList<Integer> ll = new LinkedList<Integer>(numbers);  
           assertTrue(1 == ll.indexOf(20));  
      public void testRemove() {  
           Integer[] numbers = { 10, 15, 20, 350 };  
           LinkedList<Integer> ll = new LinkedList<Integer>(numbers);  
           assertTrue(Boolean.TRUE == ll.remove(15));  
      public void testElementAt() {  
           Integer[] numbers = { 10, 15, 20, 350 };  
           LinkedList<Integer> ll = new LinkedList<Integer>(numbers);  
           assertTrue(350 == (Integer) ll.elementAt(0));  
      public void testFind() {  
           Integer[] numbers = { 10, 15, 20, 350, 50, 40, 100, 200 };  
           LinkedList<Integer> ll = new LinkedList<Integer>(numbers);  
           Object[] llFind = ll.find(2, 5);  
           assertTrue(4 == llFind.length);  
           assertTrue(40 == (Integer) llFind[0]);  
           assertTrue(50 == (Integer) llFind[1]);  
           assertTrue(350 == (Integer) llFind[2]);  
           assertTrue(20 == (Integer) llFind[3]);  
      public void testfindLast() {  
           Integer[] numbers = { 10, 15, 20, 350, 50, 40, 100, 200, 54, 87, 23,  
                     76, 34, 54, 56, 57, 68, 7, 54 };  
           LinkedList<Integer> ll = new LinkedList<Integer>(numbers);  
           Object[] llFind = ll.findLast(5);  
           assertTrue(5 == llFind.length);  
           assertTrue(50 == (Integer) llFind[0]);  
           assertTrue(350 == (Integer) llFind[1]);  
           assertTrue(20 == (Integer) llFind[2]);  
           assertTrue(15 == (Integer) llFind[3]);  
           assertTrue(10 == (Integer) llFind[4]);  
      public void testToString() {  
           Integer[] numbers = { 10, 15, 20, 350 };  
           LinkedList<Integer> ll = new LinkedList<Integer>(numbers);  
           assertTrue(ll.toString().length() > 0);  


The Linked List in Java in danielacton blog
Linked List on Wikipedia

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